Benjamin Lee Bison in the Media
We are so excited to be featured in 2 very prominent news publications this past week: The Oklahoman and Bison World Magazine. Each one focuses on some very important subjects regarding the bison's place in both our history and our future.

Benjamin Lee Bison Ranch (photo by Jordan Green for The Oklahoman)
As our ranch is growing, advocacy for land and animals provides a platform to both inform and educate individuals and communities on all things bison. Historically, bison have been an integral part of America's Tribal Nations and The Oklahoman's article dives into the areas that were specifically important in our region as well as how the reemergence of the bison seamlessly ties into local tribal businesses and practices. Being a part of such a monumental endeavor of growing the population of bison herds has tightened our bond to the history of our land and the bison. Adding partnerships with local Oklahoma tribes, like the Quapaw Nation, only deepens the roots of our ranch and continued additions such as educational institutions, tribal nations and museums will allow us to broaden our audience.
Check out our article in The Oklahoman.
Bison World is a seasonal, quarterly magazine put out by the National Bison Association. We had the opportunity to be a part of their "Why Bison" segment in which we addressed the following questions:
-Why did we choose to raise bison?
-Why did we become involved in the bison business?
-What is our story?
-How does this animal bring us together?
-What fascinates us about the bison?
Check out our full article here: Why Bison?
Read more from The National Bison Association

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