Embrace Your Inner Bison
One of the peaceful things is snow, no matter how hard to falls, it is always silent. And though it wasn’t a white Christmas for us, we have received quite a bit of snow so far this winter and it has been truly beautiful.
Typically, we will average 3-6 inches of snow over the winter months but just in this season thus far we have already received up to 4 inches with more on the way. And in case you were wondering, no the bison do not get cold when it snows, this is what they were made for and they love it! Bison build up a hearty cape in the fall and early winter to protect them from winter on the plains where storms can bring in freezing temperatures and winds that easily reach gusts of over 40mph.

There is the famous comparison of how a cow will huddle and hide from an incoming storm, whereas the bison, as a herd, will turn into it and face the storm head on. If you follow our Instagram page, you will notice that I like to pepper in some motivational quotes here and there and honestly, I have to restrain myself to keep from not over doing it – I am a sucker for motivational quotes and insights. And to keep up with this theme, I highly recommend giving this short article a read – “Embrace Your Inner Bison.” It draws a phenomenal comparison between how a bison takes on a storm and how we can learn to face our own storms, whether they are internal battles or physical circumstances. What a great outlook to have while entering into the New Year – Embrace your Inner Bison and Run into 2021 with the positivity and ferocity to overcome any hurdles that you may encounter and to achieve happiness and success in the new year.
Happy New Year!
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