National Farmers Market Week!
What better day to share our blog about farmers markets than during National Farmers Market week!
Why do we love being a part of a farmers market?
There are so many reasons that we love being a part of our local farmers markets. We love bringing our product to the community, we love sharing our story and we love meeting everyone! So much of what we do is sharing and educating whether it is about the animals, the ranch or the meat and being present at the markets gives us that platform.
Currently we sell through the online Paseo Farmers Market and we have a booth every Saturday from 9 – 1 at the Scissortail Farmers Market located at Scissortail Park from April – October. We are grateful to be able to utilize both platforms to provide our products to you!
Why shop at a farmers market?
Farmers markets provide such a wonderful collaboration between the community and the producers. As the producer, the markets provide a way to sell their items without the hurdles of the retail and restaurant routes. As the consumer you are able to get access to seasonal produce that is picked and sold in peak freshness and let’s be honest, they always taste better when grown in season and picked fresh! Shopping at a farmers market also means supporting local and keeping those sales within your community and closer to home. Farmers markets provide an outlet for smaller farms and ranches to stay open and continue producing.
The website sites a survey produced by the USDA that really puts the benefits into focus of how markets affect small to medium sized farmers and ranchers. “According to a 2019 National Farmers Market Managers survey, there are more than 8,000 farmers markets across the country, and the farm-level benefits for farm vendors, include:
- 67 percent increased overall production
- 33 percent increased the number of workers employed on the farm
- Nearly 40 percent were able to sell imperfect products that would otherwise go unsold
- 77 percent diversified the types of agricultural products they grew”
Competing with the big guys is near impossible for smaller producers, but farmers markets and ultimately the consumers that visit and purchase products, allow those farmers to continue growing and supporting both their family and their businesses.
(Hannah Hudson Photography, Edible OKC, 2021)
Know your farmer, know your food is a popular phrase these days that is meant to bring light to the initiative of investing in local resources and food systems. There are 3 types of shoppers, those that don’t care where their food comes from, those that do care but don’t take the action, and those that both care and shop that way. We are trying to convert everyone to the latter! Knowing where your food comes is an integral part to knowing what food you are putting on your table and into your body.
You have the opportunity while visiting farmers market to firsthand meet the farmers, learn about their processes and ask about their standards – something you can’t do while shopping at a large grocery store. So, take the time to chat with the farmer, showing interests in where your food comes from provides us with pride and motivation! Know your farmer, know your food means total transparency, and we love that we can provide that to you so ask us anything next time you see us.
Additional Resources:
Most fruits and veggies are seasonal, so each time you visit a farmers market the offerings available with vary. Use that as a fun way to explore and try new foods and recipes. Check out these pages for insight on what is in season and additional information on farmers markets.

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